BeCAUSE: A tarot spread
Set my place

What if? A creative technique

Dreamstime_xs_22110177Have you ever played the “what if?” game?

Of course you have! “What if” stirs the imagination in everyday life and in art and creativity.

  • What if he sees me in the old outfit?
  • What if I had superpowers?
  • What if she lied to me?
  • What if I left a bit earlier?

In art:

  • What if I paint this red?
  • What if I make this character less pretty?
  • What if, one day, the sun didn’t come out?

In problem-solving:

  • What if we had infinite resources: how would that help us solve the problem?
  • What if I did it the other way round?
  • What if I did this instead of that?

And of course, in tarot:

  • What if this card means that?

In a tarot reading, you could ask, “What if I were someone or something on this card? What would I do?”

What would I do if I were the dog on the Fool card? Barking mad?

How would I feel if I were a snail on the Queen of Pentacles card? Slimy? What does that tell me about the problem?

If I were the chair the Empress sits on, would I say she’s sitting pretty? Would this change my mind about her?

What if I were the hand in the Ace of Pentacles, what could I offer?

If I were the horse on the Knight of Wands card, would I feel half crazy?

What if I were one of the swords left behind in the Seven of Swords, would I feel neglected?

If I were the black cat on the Queen of Wands card, what am I looking at?

If I were the falcon on the Nine of Pentacles, how would the mask prevent me from seeing the truth?

If I were the man on the Four of Cups, why am I ignoring what’s on offer?

This question offers more potential in interpreting the cards.

What if you tried it? :-)

Image: Photo 22110177 © Ariwasabi | Dreamstime.com

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