Wouldn't it be awful? Use tarot to break free from anxiety
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What is really there? A tarot spread to calm a worried mind

Feeling-serious-thoughtful-concerned-staring-sideways-with-hand-pressed-against-chinIn a previous post, I talked about 'awfulizing' and how to become calmer and feel more in control when you worry about something.

The spread I designed has eight card positions.

Here is another, more compact spread, to lower anxiety and gain clarity about what is happening. This spread has only three cards, designed to give you breathing space.

Spread 3 cards numbered pyramid

  1. Take a deep breath and relax. What will help me relax?
  2. What is really there?
  3. How can I best cope with it?

This spread is effective on its own. However, once you feel a little calmer and you want to keep exploring with the help of your tarot cards, here are some suggestions for spreads to try.

Wouldn't it be awful?" is a more intensive spread if you're severely worried.

If you're having a tough time, consider "Having a bad day" to get you through or "Upset spread" to help you calm down.

"Something bad happened" is perfect if you want to turn an aspect of a crisis into action.

If you feel stuck, try "Where am I?" to escape.

To explore the problem and find solutions, try "The root of the problem" or "Unlocking solutions."

Perhaps you feel up to facing the challenges in your situation ("What is standing in my way?") or are determined to find the positive in your situation ("Sunny-side up spread").

Remember, these spreads are designed not to predict your future but to offer insights that may inspire self-reflection and personal growth.

Let me know how the spread works for you!

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