Creative curiosity: It may make you a better tarot reader!
Solving wicked problems with tarot

The uncertain spread: A tarot spread for dealing with insecurity

AI abstracts 1 (2)Creative people (such as tarot readers!) are said to cope well with ambiguity and situations where you feel uncertain, unsure, and uncomfortable. But even tarot readers can feel insecure. So, what does a tarot reader do? Grab a deck of tarot cards!

This spread has seven cards, as seven disturbs the soothing harmony of the number six. Seven reflects our insecurity and discomfort.

But seven also implies creative perfection (in the Biblical sense), so let's work to find an anchor and a way to heal our world.

I also set the cards in a horseshoe shape, traditionally a symbol of luck, as a reminder that luck is not security.

Spread 7 cards Horseshoe spread

  1. What is the source of my insecurity and discomfort?
  2. What unconscious fears are making the feeling of instability worse?
  3. What can I control to make me feel more anchored?
  4. What have I no control over?
  5. What support systems—people, resources, or practices—can provide comfort and security?
  6. What action can I take to enhance my sense of security?
  7. What is the possible outcome of this situation?

Each position addresses different aspects of uncertainty and how you can find or create security and safety in your life.

Try this spread and let me know how it works for you.

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