The Sceptic's Tarot has created techniques for:
- Reading tarot cards
- Creative writing with tarot cards
- Reflection and journaling with tarot cards
- Solving problems with tarot cards
Reading tarot cards
A checklist to read tarot cards
The optimist's technique: A tarot-reading method
More patterns in a spread: predominance
Patterns in a spread: predominance
How to be wiser when you read for yourself
What could this mean? (Getting to know the cards)
Reading the context: How cards influence each other
What if a card doesn't make sense?
Practise tarot reading with these spreads
What if? A creative technique.
Tarot tip: A card may have more than one message for you
Creative writing with tarot cards
Break through writer's block with tarot cards
Reflection and journaling with tarot cards
Artificial intelligence as a tool for introspection with tarot cards
The last shall be first: A tarot reading technique
In spite of fear and doubt, create ...
Solving problems with tarot cards
"What if" I solve the problem? A tarot technique (new)
Find the connections: A problem-solving technique
Tell me what my problem is (and how to solve it)
Force connections to solve problems with tarot cards
Wacky combinations with tarot cards
What would be the most fun way to solve a problem?
Brainstorming with tarot cards
More brainstorming with tarot cards
Why use the cards for brainstorming?
Another way to look at the problem is ...
Why use stimuli like random words or tarot cards to solve problems?
Two for one: a tarot technique
Worry wisdom: a tarot technique
What is working well? Appreciative inquiry
Acting on tarot: Using active verbs to solve a problem
Free association with tarot cards: Unlock your problem-solving creativity
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