What makes The Sceptic's Tarot unique? This:
The sceptic's way involves special techniques and unusual ways of reading the cards to uncover your creativity, solve problems, come up with fresh ideas, grow, and explore your own wisdom.
How? You don't have to be psychic!
Let's dive in!
Special techniques
Re-purposed creativity techniques
Unusual tarot-reading techniques
Exclusive spreads for creativity and reflection
Fun stuff
Other stuff
Special problem-solving, creativity, and journalling techniques
To come up with ideas, experts have used combinations, shifting perspectives, random elements, and stories. Sceptic's techniques (so far!) incorporate these techniques in tarot-particular ways. Find them here, along with unique tarot card techniques.
"What if" I solve the problem? A tarot technique
Break through writer's block with tarot cards
Two sides of the same coin (Journaling and problem-solving)
Artificial intelligence as a tool for introspection with tarot cards
What would be the most fun way to solve a problem? (problem-solving)
Draw cards on a memory (journalling)
Let the image do the talking (problem-solving)
This could change everything (problem-solving)
Royal advice (problem-solving)
Another way to look at the problem (problem-solving)
Lessons learned (journaling)
Who are you? (introspection and journaling)
The backwards story (creative writing)
Two for one: A tarot technique (problem-solving)
Tickle the typewriter (creative writing)
In spite of fear and doubt, create ...
Time to ... (introspection and journaling)
Turning crisis into action (creative writing)
Force connections to solve problems with tarot cards
Re-purposed creativity techniques
Various problem-solving techniques are even more effective if you do them with tarot cards. Brainstorming is the best-known but not the only one. Have a look at these so far (several on their way):
Find the connections: A problem-solving technique
Tell me what my problem is (and how to solve it) (problem-finding)
Brainstorming and reverse brainstorming
What is working well? Appreciative inquiry
Reverse something ("The last shall be first")
Acting on tarot: Using active verbs to solve a problem
Look for an alternative solution
Don't make an ass of yourself: How to avoid assumptions with tarot
Unusual tarot-reading techniques
These unusual ways of reading tarot cards encourage reflection and journaling:
- reading a card twice,
- giving interpretations first,
- choosing where a card goes,
- swapping cards,
- substitute a card,
- ... and more.
Exclusive spreads for creativity and reflection
The Sceptic's Tarot spreads (so far!) focus not on divination but on:
- problem-solving (which includes defining and identifying problems and gathering information),
- introspection and growth,
- decision-making,
- goal setting,
- creative writing, and we even delve a little into
- our innate wisdom.
Fun stuff
Other stuff
You will also find:
a checklist for reading tarot,
articles on tarot and creativity,
helpful tips on reading the cards,
a quick how-to article on reading tarot cards, and
an introductory course on reading tarot cards. (The course teaches you not only to read the cards but to create your own meanings for the cards. By the end of the course, you know the cards really well.)
Conclusionary stuff
So, browse around and watch out for new articles and spreads.
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