- Problem-solving
- Problem identification
- Problem definition
- Creative writing
- Self-exploration
- Explore the situation
- Relationships
- Decision-making
- Goal-setting
- Wisdom
Navigating the maze: the Pathfinder spread
How do I get what I want? Asking the cards for guidance
Another way to look at the problem is …
"This could change everything"
How else can I solve the problem?
What is working well? Appreciative inquiry
The root of the problem: Tarot spread
Consequences and solutions: A problem-solving tarot spread
Solve circle: A tarot spread to solve a problem
Problem identification
Problem definition
Don't make an ass of yourself: How to avoid assumptions with tarot
What's my problem? A tarot spread
Find, define, solve: A tarot spread
Creative writing
What now? Starting a story with tarot cards
Creating characters with tarot cards
Treacherous trait: Story spread
Choose your topic: writing non-fiction articles with Tarot cards
The uncertain spread: A tarot spread for dealing with insecurity (new)
Free your creative potential: A tarot spread
What is really there? A tarot spread to calm a worried mind
Wouldn't it be awful? Use tarot to break free from anxiety
A Xmas spread: Looking back at the year
I'll do it later: Procrastination spread
Get growing! A tarot spread for leaving the comfort zone
The magic square spread: From worry to peace
Leap into the new year (Tarot spread)
Creative reflection with tarot cards
In spite of fear and doubt, create ...
Reflection with tarot cards and the Gibbs Reflective Cycle
Self-compassion: A tarot spread for being kind to yourself
Upset spread: A tarot spread for when you're upset
Who do you blame? A tarot spread to work through blame
Your creative self: A tarot spread to explore your creativity
Explore the situation
Having a bad day: A tarot spread to make it better
What would I do better, next time?
Where am I? A tarot spread for the slightly lost
SWOT spread: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats
IMRAD: Introduction, Method, Results, And Discussion
I think I have made up my mind? A tarot spread to help you decide
What happened to my goal? A tarot spread
How am I doing with this goal?
If you knew you couldn't fail, what would you do?
Worry wisdom: A tarot technique
Life lessons: A spread to reveal what you learn
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